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Inch by Inch

There was so much eye candy in the small shop, that I almost didn't see the yardstick table top peeking out from beneath all of the treasures! The 24" square top was expertly assembled with a glass top protecting all of the wooden rulers.

It was not the size that I was looking for, but at nearly $300 I could only imagine what a 36" table would cost.

I wondered how long it would take to collect various yard sticks, or even some vintage tape measures, lay out in a desirable pattern, glue or nail down, create the perfect edging with enough lip for a pane of glass to drop in. The sewing machine base would be an additional cost and also paint to match the room's decor.

At the end of another counter, I found a colorful blue quilt draped over the cabinet of an electric New Home sewing machine. For an in-depth article on the early history of the company, visit The International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society and access the piece called “The Men Behind New Home”. While looking for possible items to decorate my sewing room, I smiled at the symbolism of the quilt and the sewing machine as we re-create our 'new home'.

There was dramatic progress when the sheet rock was went up, defining my creative space.

The closet doors were installed, followed by the trim.

That same week, the baseboard was installed, allowing clearance for the low-pile carpet that I've selected.

There's no time to think about furnishings when the next item on the check list is the closet. I quickly created a rough drawing so the crew understands my vision for how the closet will be utilized.

We have literally been moving forward, inch-by-inch, on this project. We are working together to stay just ahead of the contractor and the various trades people coming and going each day.

RESILIENCE: the capacity of a person to maintain their core purpose and integrity in the face of dramatically changed circumstances.

Completing the inventory list for our insurance carrier was a nearly year-long exercise in tenacious and unwavering perseverance. After working full-time during the week, any after hours and weekend free time was spent updating The List.

Viewing the daunting task as business helped to stay focused and, in a large part, kept an emotional component on the fringe. While the task was overwhelming at times, each page completed represented a mini-milestone.

At some point during the inventory list process, work stopped on my 365-Day Button Project. I continued to document the beautiful buttons and sweet notes of encouragement that arrived.

And, with The List now out of our hands, I've resumed work inside the bright pink embroidery hoop.

My next post promises to show the colorful creativity of the healing hoop.

Are you working on a special project that brings you comfort?


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