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the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.

I attended a large Quilt, Craft, Sewing and Needle-Art Supply Show last week. I knew that there would be a fabric and quilting component and the show did not disappoint. Signs at most booths indicated 'no photos' to be taken but I did ask one gal if I could take a photo of her, in her booth. It was the last day of the show and as many were closing and packing up, her 'scissors' made me laugh out loud:

Quilt Guilds were represented with several creative Opportunity Quilts on display:

Their colorful "Catch A Falling Star" quilt was prominently displayed. At 56" x 74", the contrast of bright colors and the crisp white background made this quilt a show-stopper.

Drawing will be held on December 8, 2018.

From their website: The purpose of the Golden Valley Quilt Guild is to promote and encourage members’ interest in quilts and quilt-making in an environment of mutual support and fellowship, and to offer them an opportunity to participate in charitable projects through donations of quilts and other resources.

Rainbow Fish Quilt designer: Jane Haworth, inspired by the “Folksy Fish” pattern by Sarah Elizabeth Sharp of nohatsquilts.

Fish made by: Guild members Jane Haworth, Chere Yamasaki, Sheila Lindquist, Lynn Tubbe, Carol Riggert, Mona Wooden, Katie Carnahan, Sharon Rizzato, Marylee Drake, Maryann Mealhow, and Petra Haworth,

The quilt measures 95”x105.” It was made from some of Jane’s hand-dyed fabrics, plus batiks, Kaffe Fassett and other fabrics donated by guild members, including some from the stash of Margarita Wilcox. Machine quilted by: Beth Handy

The quilt will be raffled off April 7, 2018 at their Annual Quilt Show.

Each April, the GQCCC hosts a quilt show at Centre Concord. This is a major event for the guild and for the community.

2018 will be the 45th quilt show. It is one of the largest shows in the vicinity and is the guild’s major fundraiser.

From their website: The Guild of Quilters of Contra Costa County is based in Concord, California. Founded in 1973, we are one of the oldest quilt guilds in California. Our 300+ member guild is dedicated to preserving the tradition of quilting. We support projects that promote the continuation of quilt arts, educate and entertain our members with presentations by quilt-world experts, and contribute to our community through various philanthropic activities.

The theme of their November 16-18, 2018 quilt show is Window of Imagination. Their Opportunity drawing is held on Sunday at 3pm.

From their website:

Quilt History in California.

One of the endeavors of the CHQP is the California Sesquicentennial Quilt, which is a gift to the people of California. The quilt was created by 300 quilter's throughout California. It is now used during special ceremonies in the rotunda of the Capitol Building. It has been on display at the Women's History Museum.

In addition to the dozens of booths that had large selections of fat quarters, jelly rolls, layer cakes and charm packs, one booth specialized in Second Chance Fabrics - pre-owned and new quilting fabric and supplies - because every good fabric deserves a second chance!

There were booths with patterns, wearable art, quilt notions, buttons of all sizes, and books. Could not help but be impressed by the various demonstrations showing the proper use of acrylic rulers, seam & quilt guides, big mat rotary cutting surfaces and Featherweight tables & accessories.

Check out an upcoming show in your area and prepare to be inspired!


I am sharing Day 80 progress of my 365 Project - Buttons & Stitches.

With a love of travel . . .

this Mariner's Compass button had to be added:

I am working on a new embroidery stitch and will share that in a full post on Day 91. For now, I am pleased with the progress of the color clusters:


Continuing on the creative streak, I've been sketching a project to embroider (in my free time?). Honestly, I'm not even sure how to go about doing this but the goal is to enter it in our local fair this summer.

Are you working on, or completing any projects to support local quilt shows or craft fairs this season? Good luck to you!


I've enjoyed watching you combine your buttons. So many lovely stitches and beautiful groupings. Thanks for sharing the opportunity quilts, too. Ann 4.1.2018

Thank you so much, Ann. What great and "amusing" fabric you've chosen for the budding scientist.


Those are beautiful opportunity quilts. Thank you for sharing them with us. Angie in SoCal 3.25.2018

Thanks, Angie. It was fortunate that the Quilt Guilds had photos on their websites. Happy Spring!


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