365 PROJECT - Buttons & Stitches - Day 35
My 365 day project - buttons and stitches - is coming along. I'm adjusting shank buttons on top of flat buttons and it feels like putting puzzle pieces together.

Buttons are also being layered, using the same holes, so there will be no wasted space as my canvas fills in. I may even have to go up 3 layers as we approach the end of the year.

Stitches have been added, like these blue french knots.

These orange lazy daisy stitches are peeking out and I've even placed a couple of beads.

I will post progress again on Day 63.

I thought this graphic from "Nice Thoughts and Watercolor Illustrations" in @kirstensevig little book (published by @countrymanpress) and seen at #uppercasemail was so appropriate for this project.
The caption reads:
"Thread!" Painted 37 buttons for my dear friend's 37th birthday today while at her party! She is a wonderful artist who created this past year with many, many buttons, so I thought I would paint her a few more.
A reminder about my inspiration for 2018:
Last year, I followed Ashley Hackshaw AKA Lil Blue Boo with her One Year of Stitches and Buttons - Embroidery Hoop 365 Project and Sara Barnes - Brown Paper Bag's One Year of Stitches as Seen Through One's Embroidery Hoop projects.
Here is my 365 Project at Day 35:

I am hoping to spend time in my studio this week, working on my next hurricane quilt.
This quilt will be in pinks - the color of universal love of oneself and of others; representing compassion, nurturing, unconditional love and understanding.
Are you working on anything special for Valentine's Day?
It's looking really good. Clever idea to build the buttons up! Sarah 02/06/2018
Thank you, Sarah. Yours is looking amazing! Clever how you've mapped out your design. I just sorted through buttons and pulled several metal buttons that I may put in the center. This is a work-in-progress so who knows what direction it will take.