365 PROJECT - Buttons & Stitches - Day 14
Last year, I followed Ashley Hackshaw AKA Lil Blue Boo with her One Year of Stitches and Buttons - Embroidery Hoop 365 Project and Sara Barnes - Brown Paper Bag's One Year of Stitches as Seen Through One's Embroidery Hoop projects:
Both colorful projects (seen above) were extremely creative and enormously inspiring. So much that I searched through my stash of buttons and set aside two packets as my starting point for 2018. The Flower Power and Plaid buttons, from Buttons Galore & More, were purchased at a local shop several years ago.

Starting with a 10" embroidery hoop, I used an elegant linen napkin as my canvas. The red flower and bright Cardinal are buttons #1 and #2.

I continued with these cheery yellow buttons:

On Day 6, I added the green flower and continued on Day 7 with the plaid button. On Day 8, the stitches were added to the plaid button.

Blue was introduced to the canvas:

Next week, I will continue with stitches to add more color to my canvas. I am gathering smaller buttons and even a few beads as space will be limited as we proceed throughout the year. Periodic updates will be added to the blog to track my progress.

The goal this year will be to add a button or stitching each day. If I miss a day or add buttons at the end of the week to catch up, it won't matter. It feels like a very doable challenge and I thank Ashley and Sara for their creative inspiration.
There's still time for you to participate in a 365 Project. What are you currently working on?
What a terrifically fun project! Enjoy! Quilter Kathy 2018.01.15
So far, Kathy, it has been fun. We'll see how challenging it might become in the coming months.
Last year I took on the challenge of stitching one stitch every day and loved the process but didn't think I would want to do it again.... but I've seen your buttons and what can be done and I really want to join in! I love it! Sarah 1/14/2018
It was very helpful to me to see the final embroidery hoops of Ashley and Sara to determine that it was the right size project for me this year. Around here, it's too many projects not enough time. I just viewed your website and your 2017 project - "Ta Dah" is right; it's absolutely stunning!!
Great start to your 365 project. If you link up to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching each week, I will be able to easily follow your progress. Gail 1/14/2018
Thanks, Gail. I will try to link up to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching each week. I appreciate you letting me know.
I’ve seen some of these on Instagram and admired them, so wanted to start but dare not take on yet another crafty project LOL. I love your choice of buttons and I’m sure you’ll have a blast. Sandra 1/14/2018
I can relate to you not wanting to take on another crafty project. I will try to work on this each day. I have a small bowl filling with buttons and the embroidery hoop are the first thing you see when you walk into my studio. Each morning, I've been able to add the days stitch. Only 351 more days to go!