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New Year - Happiness!


I've been keeping a running list of creative things I'd like to do this year. My list will be much shorter than many on the blog posts I've been following. Some I've read are truly inspirational with goals set to complete even more UFOs than in previous years, and some include donating quilts, pillow cases, preemie gowns, to charitable and heartfelt causes, some are reflective, or offer a starter list or share the wonders of blogging.

I marvel at the number of projects some have completed and their creative goals set for this New Year. Many have much more time to quilt, create and blog than this full-time working gal could possibly navigate after-hours. I am happy for the time that many have available in their days to create and I admire all that can be accomplished.

My creative goals for the New Year are . . .

Happiness! A kind word, a small gesture, spending time with family, donating items to a thrift shop, sharing a photo, volunteering precious time, cleaning the house, polishing the car, a random-act-of-kindness, planting bulbs in the garden, putting on a new pair of shoes, going to the library, sharing a ride, hiking a mountain path, traveling to new places, writing or receiving a hand-written letter, finding a helpful App, making time to get together with a friend, singing in the choir, laughing-out-loud . . . whatever makes you happy, or whatever makes you happy sharing with others is something that can be attained each day.

Merge website and blog into one URL: I am working on this so that I have only one website to maintain. COMPLETED 1/2017

A minimum of 2 posts to my Blog each month: Maintaining one website will be a help but I also know that to reach this goal, my creative thoughts need to be recorded. I am reminded of the inspirational quotation, "I cannot count my day complete 'til needle, thread and fabric meet." Carving out time to write (each day) may help me achieve this goal. COMPLETED: January-3 / February-5 / March-6 / April-4 / May-5 / June-3 / July-2 / August-2 / September-1 / October-1 / November-3 / December-4

Add 'Follow by Email subscription box' to my blog: Special thanks to Janice Holton at Color, Creating and Quilting! and her December 4, 2016 Tutorial to Help Me Follow Your Blog post. She shares step-by-step instructions to add a Follow by Email sidebar to a blog. COMPLETED 1/2017

UFOs and WIPs: Work on and complete Elisa's t-shirt quilt and the Je t'aime Paris quilt. Design an Anniversary quilt. Schedule creative weekends to help a friend create quilts for her family - her projects will include Double Jumble Turtles. IN PROGRESS: T-shirt quilt will be a New Year project. Je t'aime Paris is being quilted. Friend created and successfully completed 3 family quilts.

Take a class: For some time, I have been wanting to take a class to learn new techniques. I was gifted 'any workshop in the New Year to enhance your creativity.' Overwhelmed by the gesture, I was instructed to find something that is challenging - a technique that I haven't tried before. I am excited to be taking a class with Susan Carlson and I will be sure to write about this creative journey. COMPLETED 1stQ2017

What is on your mental checklist to help bring happiness into each day?


I visited Susan Carlson's website, her work is beautiful, you will surely enjoy her workshop and learn a lot! Roslyn 1/9/2017

I am very excited and am confirming what photo/subject I will be creating in fabric - the process is quite inspiring (and slightly intimidating, too).

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