One of my HIPS,
The "Quilted Acronyms" were in a current e-newsletter. Some were familiar, some were new. As I read through the list, I thought it might make a cute story. I was up for a fun challenge.
The acronyms listed here were the inspiration for this Blog Post:
BOM = Block of the Month
DSM = Domestic Sewing Machine
FART = Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
FMQ = Free Motion Quilting
FOB = Fear of Binding
FQ = Fat Quarter
HIPS = Hundreds of Ideas Piling Skyward
HP = Hand Piecing
HST = Half-Square Triangle
LAQ = Long Arm Quilter
LQS = Local Quilt Shop
MAQ = Mid-Arm Quilter
PhD = Projects half Done
PIGS = Projects in Grocery Sacks
SABLE = Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy
SEX = Stash Enhancing Excursion
STASH = Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden
TGIF = Thank God It’s Finished!
UFO = Unfinished Object
WHIMM = Works Hidden In My Mind
WIP = Work In Progress
WISP = Work In Slow Progress
WOF = Width of Fabric
WOMBAT = Waste of Money, Batting, and Time
Hundreds of Ideas Piling Skyward
I'll admit that I'm a WIP (WORK IN PROGRESS). My quilting passion has led to too much SEX (STASH ENHANCING EXCURSIONs) and an occasional FART (FABRIC ACQUISITION ROAD TRIP).
It never occurred to me that my FOB (FEAR OF BINDING) would result in so many PhDs (PROJECTS HALF DONE).
Reflecting back to WHIMM (WORKS HIDDEN IN MY MIND), I find myself suddenly obsessed with several UFOs (UNFINISHED OBJECTs). Some would say that PIGS (PROJECTS IN GROCERY SACKS) are a complete WOMBAT (WASTE OF MONEY, BATTING, AND TIME)?! But, I think not.
With thoughts on my HIPS (HUNDREDS OF IDEAS PILING SKYWARD), it's time to work on another BOM (BLOCK OF THE MONTH), do some HP (HAND PIECING), sit in front of my DSM (DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE) and try my best at some FMQ (FREE MOTION QUILTING) on the latest HST (HALF-SQUARE TRIANGLE) project.
Better yet, I'll call a friend and we'll take a trip to the LQS (LOCAL QUILT SHOP), pick up a FQ (FAT QUARTER) (or two) to be added to our STASH (SPECIAL TREASURES ALL SECRETLY HIDDEN).
Let's be real - I'll take my time and WISP (WORK IN SLOW PROGRESS). I admit that SABLE (STASH ACCUMULATION BEYOND LIFE EXPECTANCY) is a true possibility. Then, reluctant realization . . . if I don't get organized and send some of these projects to a LAQ (LONG ARM QUILTER), I will never be able to shout "TGIF!" (THANK GOD IT'S FINISHED!)
I used all but two of the acronyms listed in the e-newsletter. OK, now it's your turn - give it a try! Send me your verse (or URL) and I'll link it back to your Blog.
And, for some fun, celebrate your fabric stash with this witty fabric in two color ways, as seen in the Main Street Quilting Company October newsletter: