I had been collecting fabric for several weeks, thinking a quilt inspired by Cindy's blog would be a perfect gift for their upcoming 25th Wedding Anniversary celebration. She and her husband had an opportunity to stay in Paris during the holidays - in a personal apartment in the neighborhood of La Marais, complete with wine cellar, concierge and car. Cindy shared adventures and photos with all of their envious friends.
After nearly two weeks, we have become Parisiens -
buying our food every day . . . joking with the greengrocer,
and bargaining en Francais. We have our cafe au lait
every morning and baguettes galore (oh how I will miss them!!).
We take a tote bag shopping and can find our way around with ease.
The Metro is no mystery and we love our neighborhood.
If only we had our cats, life would be complete.
I found the perfect Je t'aime Paris fabric and created the pillow above. As I was designing a quilt, we received their anniversary invitation that clearly stated "no gifts". After much debate, we decided to go ahead and present them with the pillow (which she loved). The quilt will be presented to honor another milestone.
Do you have a project that you've put "on hold" until you can find the right time to complete and present it?